Providing Emotional Support


Dementia Carers

(An initiative by the Wellbeing Collaborative CIC:  Company Number  13847349)

Welcome to the Dementia Care Hut  

The Dementia Care Hut is a safe and welcoming space for anyone who cares for a person with dementia.

Caring for someone with dementia presents unique, and often extreme challanges that can take a significant toll on a carer's mental health.

However, experience has thought us that "talking therapies" do not suit all carers, some of whom may not need, or may not be able to attend conventional counselling sessions regularly. 

Thus, we do not offer a conventional counselling service. 

We offer a compassionate, listening ear that carers can acceess (via chat,  audio or video call) 'as and when' they need it, when it suits them. 

In addition, we hosts online peer-support groups, giving carers the opportunity to meet people who may be in their same situation without having to leave their home.